Closed files

18-hole golf course South West of France

Course overview

Update January 25, 2024 : This file is no longer available

We are mandated to sell a magnificent golf resort South West of France over 70 hectares with woods, lake and ponds.
18-hole course
18th Century Castle
5 guest rooms and 2 cottages
1 manager appartment
swimming pool

7 employees (equivalent 6 full-time) + 3 seasonal workers (equivalent 2,25 full-time).

Average turnover : 310,000 € / year, including 186,000 € for golf activities, 27,000 € for proshop sales and 97,000 € for accommodation, restaurant and miscellaneous revenues.

Development possibilities : seminar, weddings, creation of 5/6 additional suites, resumption of a construction project of 35 lodging (houses and appartments).

Price asked : 4,220,000 € fees included for global property.
(Separation of golf activities can be debated ; sellers are opened to negociations)

In case of interest, please contact Mr Gaudry +33 699 37 58 27 or through the form underneath.
We speak english !
Any serious demand will be considered

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Property entrance
18th century castle Southwestern France FOR SALE